A website needs to be available for internet users to view. To be able to do this your website needs to be stored on a computer which is linked directly to the internet, usually referred to as a server. Hosting is renting space on a server.
At Lynton Web Design we use hosting services provided by specialists in the field. The network of servers is protected by stringent security precautions to control access, environmental controls to maintain peak hardware performance and emergency power supplies to ensure that service is not affected by network power outages. What this means in practice is that downtime is minimal.
Our hosting partnerships enable us to offer shared hosting packages using Linux and include PHP Selector, AWstats, Perl, Python, Ruby on Rails and RubyGems, CGI, MySQL, GD, Ghostscript, ImageMagick and GraphicsMagic installed.
We are also able to offer content management and e-commerce systems like Wordpress, TYPO3, Joomla, Drupal, Photo Gallery and many others.
E-mail using your domain name is standard.